To say thank you in Russian, “cпасибо,” pronounced"spa-see-ba" will work for most occasions. For a more hearty thanks, like when you would like to thank someone for a thoughtful gift or favor, the phrase"огромное спасибо" pronounced"ah-gro-mnaye spa-see-ba," works well and translates to"Thank you very much!"
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In Russian, you can say ‘thank you’ using the word Спасибо. This is actually short for Спаси Бог, which means ‘God save you’. It’s important to know that there are many alternatives to this standard and very common expression.
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Take a look at 15 phrases and words to say"thank you","you're welcome" and"please" in Russian, in either formal or informal settings.
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Part 1: How to say Thank You in Russian. 1. Thank you in Russian. Спасибо; Spasibo; This is the easiest and the most popular way to say thank you in Russian. This is a phrase that can be used in almost all cases. I can’t say that it’s formal; it sounds polite, but if you want to show your gratitude you have to say ...
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Thank you very much: спаси́бо огро́мное; I am grateful: я благода́рен; I thank you: я благодарю́ вас; Childish way of saying thank you: спаси́бочки; I appreciate your help: я ценю́ ва́шу по́мощь; You are very kind: Вы о́чень до́бры
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Ways to Respond to Thank You. To make a polite response to “thank you” in Russian, we usually just say пожалуйста. This word also means… please. Yes, it does. A a totally different meaning.
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So, how do you say ‘Thank you’ in Russian? You can learn easily! Below, RussianPod101 brings you perfect translations and pronunciation as you learn the most common ways Russian speakers say ‘Thanks’ in various situations. 1. 12 Ways to say ‘Thank you’ in Russian. 1- Thank you. Спасибо. Spasibo.
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Let’s dive into the basic ways to say ‘thank you’ in Russian. The easiest and most common way is ‘спасибо’ (spa-see-ba). It works for most everyday situations. If you want to emphasize your thanks, you can say ‘большое спасибо’ (bal-shoye spa-see-ba), which means ‘big thanks.’.
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The most common way to say thank you in Russian is Спасибо (spaSEEbah), which is a shortened version of the expression Спаси Бог! (spaSEE BOGH) that means"God save you." However, before you start learning" you're welcome ," there are several ways of thanking someone in Russian.
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Thank you in Russian can be said in several different ways. In this post, we'll help you navigate how to say thank you in Russian to different people based on the context. Learn how to express your gratitude formally and informally, and how to pronounce the phrases correctly.
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